


陶恵栄,沈怡. 中国伝統(経絡)療法―刮痧・高齢者的应用. 日本統合医療学会誌 2009;2:3-220.
Huirong Tao, Yi Shen. Report of Clinical Cases Administered EM-X. The 2nd International EM Medical Conference (2003). Oral Presentation
Huirong Tao, Yi Shen. EM-X and Traditional Chinese Preventive Medicine. The 3rd International EM Medical Conference (2005). Oral Presentation
陶恵栄,沈怡. 中国医学と西洋医学.第8回日本統合医療学会北海道支部大会抄録集. 2006;10:5.
陶恵栄,沈怡.中国医学から見た西洋医学. 第9回日本統合医療学会北海道支部大会抄録集. 2007;10:6.
陶恵栄,沈怡. 末期肺癌・漢方・精油. 第10回日本統合医療学会北海道支部大会抄録集. 2008;10:6.
陶恵栄,沈怡. 西洋和東洋医学的相違・中国伝統療法 経絡療法―刮痧. 第11回日本統合医療学会北海道支部大会抄録集. 2009;10:5.
陶恵栄,沈怡. 黄帝内経の子午流注により生活習慣病指導改善二例病例報告. 第13回日本統合医療学会北海道支部大会抄録集. 2011;11:4.
陶恵栄,沈怡. 黄帝内経の食療养生法により生活習慣病症状改善二例病例報告. 第14回日本統合医療学会北海道支部大会抄録集. 2012;11:10.
陶恵栄,沈怡. 黄帝内経的食療养生法により治療成功した糖尿病二例. 第15回日本統合医療学会北海道支部大会口演発表抄録集. 2013;10:6.
陶恵栄,沈怡. 黄帝内経的食療养生法により治療成功した肥胖患者二例. 第16回日本統合医療学会北海道支部大会抄録集. 2014;10:5.
陶恵栄,沈怡. 黄帝内経的食療养生法により癌患者健康回復二例(肝癌再発と乳癌). 第17回日本統合医療学会北海道支部大会抄録集. 2015;10:4.
陶恵栄,沈怡. 黄帝内经的食疗养生法实践成功恢复健康二例(肌肉萎缩和肾癌转移). 第18回日本統合医療学会北海道支部大会抄録集. 2016;10:5.
陶恵栄,沈怡. 黄帝内经的食疗养生法实践成功恢复健康二例(大肠癌肝转移和肝癌). 第19回日本統合医療学会北海道支部大会抄録集. 2017;10:6.
陶恵栄,沈怡. 黄帝内经的健康理念和食疗养生法实践成功恢复抗精神病薬投与後遺症一例報告. 日本統合医療学会誌 2018;11:2-237.
陶恵栄,沈怡. 黄帝内经の食疗养生法实践成功恢复晚期癌症二例報告(大肠癌肝転移和肝癌再発). 日本統合医療学会誌 2018;11:2-237.
陶恵栄,沈怡. 黄帝内经健康理念治未病による健康回復成功事例報告. 第25回日本未病学会学術総会抄録集 2018;10:134.
陶恵栄,沈怡. 黄帝内経の健康理念と処方による余命一ヶ月二例施療報告. 第20回日本統合医療学会北海道支部大会抄録集 2019;10:6.
陶恵栄,沈怡. 中国医学治未病理念治疗颈椎症性脊髓症一例報告. 第26回日本未病学会学術総会抄録集 2020;10:126.
陶恵栄,沈怡. 黄帝内経の健康理念治未病による逆流性食道炎とアレルギー性皮膚炎を健康回復成功事例報告. 第27回日本未病学会学術総会抄録集 2020;10:110.
陶恵栄,沈怡. 黄帝内経の健康理念と処方による皮角と舌下腫瘍治癒の一例. 日本統合医療学会誌 2020;13:3-238.
陶恵栄,沈怡. 黄帝内経治未病による余命三ヶ月すい臓がん施療病例. 第28回日本未病学会学術総会抄録集 2021;11:106.
陶恵栄,沈怡. 大腸がん肝臓転移術後患者回復一例報告. 日本統合医療学会誌 2021;14:3-261.
陶恵栄,沈怡. 黄帝内経治未病による胃癌ポリップ消失施療病例. 第29回日本未病学会学術総会抄録集 2022;11:95.  
陶恵栄,沈怡. 黄帝内経の健康理念と処方による悪性神経膠腫再発後再増大患者改善一例報告. 日本統合医療学会誌 2022;15:3-201.
陶恵栄,沈怡. 黄帝内経の治未病による好酸球性多発血管炎性肉芽腫症患者改善一例報告. 第30回日本未病学会学術総会抄録集2023;12:127.


Huirong Tao, and Shen, Yi. Chinese Traditional Therapy - Gua Sha and its Application to the Elderly. Journal of the Japanese Society for Integrative Medicine 2009;2:3-220.
Huirong Tao, Yi Shen. Report of Clinical Cases Administered EM-X. The 2nd International EM Medical Conference (2003). The 2nd International EM Medical Conference (2003).
Huirong Tao, Yi Shen. EM-X and Traditional Chinese Preventive Medicine. The 3rd International EM Medical Conference (2005). Oral Presentation
Huirong Tao, Yi Shen. Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine. Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the Hokkaido Branch of the Japanese Society of Unified Medicine. 2006;10:5.
Huirong Tao, Shen-Yi. Chinese medicine meets Western medicine. Proceedings of the 9th General Meeting of the Hokkaido Branch of the Japanese Society of Unified Medicine. 2007;10:6.
Huirong Tao, Shen Yi. End-stage lung cancer: Chinese herbal medicine and essential oils. Proceedings of the 10th General Meeting of the Hokkaido Branch of the Japanese Society of Unified Medicine. 2008;10:6.
Huirong Tao, Shen Yi. Contradiction between western and oriental medicine: Chinese traditional therapy, meridian therapy, Gua Sha. Proceedings of the 11th General Meeting of the Hokkaido Branch of the Japanese Society of Unified Medicine. 2009;10:5.
Huirong Tao, Shen-Yi. A case report on the improvement of lifestyle diseases by the guidance of Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon Zi Wu Liu Jie. Proceedings of the 13th General Meeting of the Hokkaido Branch of the Japanese Society of Unified Medicine. 2011;11:4.
Huirong Tao, Shen-Yi. Improvement of lifestyle symptoms by dietary therapy in Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon. Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the Hokkaido Branch of the Japanese Society of Unified Medicine. 2012;11:10.
Huirong Tao, Shen Yi. Two cases of diabetes mellitus successfully treated with the dietary therapy of Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon. Proceedings of the 15th General Meeting of the Hokkaido Branch of the Japanese Society of Unified Medicine. 2013;10:6.
Huirong Tao, Shen Yi. Two cases of obese patients successfully treated with Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon dietary therapy. Proceedings of the 16th General Meeting of the Hokkaido Branch of the Japanese Society of Unified Medicine. 2014;10:5.
Huirong Tao, Shen Yi. Two cases of cancer patients recovering from recurrent liver cancer and breast cancer by the dietary therapy of Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon. Proceedings of the 17th General Meeting of the Hokkaido Branch of the Japanese Society of Unified Medicine. 2015;10:4.
Huirong Tao, Shen Yi. Two cases of successful restoration of health (muscle atrophy and metastasis of renal cancer) by practicing the dietary therapy method of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon. Proceedings of the 18th General Meeting of the Hokkaido Branch of the Japanese Society of Unified Medicine. 2016;10:5.
Huirong Tao, Shen Yi. Two cases of successful restoration of health (colorectal cancer liver metastasis and hepatocellular carcinoma) by practicing the dietary therapy method of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon. Proceedings of the 19th General Meeting of the Hokkaido Branch of the Japanese Society for Unified Medicine. 2017;10:6.
Huirong Tao, Shen Yi. A case report of successful recovery from antipsychotic drug administration and sequelae by practicing the health concepts and dietary regimen of Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon. Journal of the Japanese Society for Integrative Medicine 2018;11:2-237.
Huirong Tao, Shen Yi. Successful Recovery from Advanced Cancer (Colorectal Liver Turnover and Hepatocellular Carcinoma Reproduction) by Practicing Dietary Therapy and Health Care Methods of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon. Journal of the Japanese Society for Integrative Medicine 2018;11:2-237.
Huirong Tao, Shen Y. Report on the Successful Cases of Health Rehabilitation by Treating Future Diseases with Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon Health Concepts. Proceedings of the 25th Academic General Meeting of the Japanese Society for the Prevention of Disease 2018;10:134.
Huirong Tao, Shen Yi. A report on the health concepts of Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon and treatment of two cases in one month. Proceedings of the 20th Conference of the Hokkaido Branch of the Japanese Society of Unified Medicine 2019;10:6.
Huirong Tao, Shen Yi. A case report on the treatment of cervical spondylotic myelopathy with the concept of treatment of future diseases in Chinese medicine. Proceedings of the 26th General Meeting of the Japanese Society for Migratory Diseases 2020;10:126.
Huirong Tao, Shen Yi. A case report of successful health rehabilitation of reflux esophagitis and allergic dermatitis by Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canonhealth concept. Proceedings of the 27th Academic General Meeting of the Japanese Society for the Prevention of Diseases 2020;10:110.
Huirong Tao, Shen Yi. A case of healing of dermal horn and sublingual ulcers by the health concepts and treatment of Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon. Journal of the Japanese Society for Integrative Medicine 2020;13:3-238.
Huirong Tao, Shen Yi. A case of a three-month treatment by Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon for Miaoli. Proceedings of the 28th Academic General Meeting of the Japanese Society for the Treatment of Mild Illnesses 2021;11:106.
Huirong Tao, Shen Yi. A case report of a patient recovering from colon gaen liver turnover. Journal of the Japanese Society for Integrative Medicine 2021;14:3-261.
Huirong Tao, Shen-Yi. A case of gastric cancer pump disappearance treatment by Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon. Proceedings of the 29th Academic General Meeting of the Japanese Society for the Treatment of Mild Illness 2022;11:95.  
Huirong Tao, Shen-Yi. A case report on the improvement of a patient with recrudescence and reamplification of a severe neoplasm based on the health concepts and treatment of Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon. Journal of the Japanese Society for Integrative Medicine 2022;15:3-201.
Huirong Tao, Shen Yi. A case report on the improvement of a patient with acid globular polyangiitis granulomatosa by Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon. Proceedings of the 30th Academic General Meeting of the Japanese Society for Municipal Diseases 2023;12:127.