

女性、38岁。2006年11月(22岁),因脑胶质瘤接受手术切除。2007年1月,接受了5局部放疗、化疗(中途因过敏而停止),然后接受IFOS+CDDP, 4 个后进入缓解期。 2017年左脑室复发,2019年扩大并诊断为播散性复发,同年12月病理检查为间变性少突胶质细胞瘤(A0)。由于担心认知功能障碍恶化而拒绝了放疗。 2021年9月,MRI显示病灶增大,仍拒绝放疗和化疗。2022年6月底,认知功能障碍、步态障碍、尿失禁、记忆障碍迅速进展,肿瘤也出现明显增大。和脑积水。主治医确定错过了手术、放疗和化疗的时机,7月5日来陶氏诊疗院就诊。第一次治疗后,他的面部表情好转,笑容恢复,步态也好转。回家后,尿失禁得到改善。经过七次治疗后,7月20日,非交通性脑积水接受了脑室腹腔分流手术。尿失禁、步态障碍改善,出院后恢复陶氏疗法。替莫唑胺每晚口服220 mg。逐步减量,2023年6月结束。陶氏疗法仍在继续,患者康复了日常生活。

December 2022: Recurrence of Glioma25)

Female, 38 years old. She underwent surgical resection for glioma in November 2006, at 22 years old. In January 2007, she underwent 5 localized radiotherapy treatments and chemotherapy (stopped due to an allergy), then IFOS+CDDP, and entered remission four months later. In 2017, she had a left ventricular recurrence and was diagnosed with disseminated recurrence in 2019, pathologically examined as interstitial oligodendroglioblastoma (A0) in December that year. She declined radiotherapy due to concerns about worsening cognitive dysfunction. In September 2021, an MRI showed an enlarged lesion, but she still refused radiotherapy and chemotherapy. By the end of June 2022, cognitive dysfunction, gait disturbances, urinary incontinence, and memory issues had rapidly progressed, and the tumor had significantly enlarged, along with hydrocephalus. The attending physician determined that the time for surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy had passed, and she visited the Tao Clinic on July 5. After her first treatment, her facial expressions improved, her smile returned, and her gait improved. Upon returning home, her urinary incontinence improved. After seven treatments, on July 20, she underwent ventriculoperitoneal shunt surgery for non-communicating hydrocephalus. Her urinary incontinence and gait disturbances improved, and she resumed Tao therapy after discharge. She was administered 220 mg of temozolomide orally every night, gradually reduced, and ended in June 2023. Tao Method continues, and the patient has recovered her daily living activities.

2023.12.嗜酸性肉芽肿性多血管炎(又称 Churg-Strauss 综合征)26)
女性、47岁。2022年2月感染新冠,哮喘发病入院。辉瑞公司新冠病毒治疗药物PAXLOVID™五天治疗后哮喘改善。7月开始四肢发热疼痛,诊断为纤维肌痛,服用泼尼松龙60mg,出院时降至20mg。四肢疼痛和麻痹再燃,只能坐轮椅就诊。9月4日来陶氏诊疗院开始接受陶氏疗法治疗。初次治疗后,四肢疼痛缓解,恢复自行行走,第二天参加儿子运动会,一起奔跑。此后疼痛逐渐缓解,有时疼痛消失。10月上旬因感冒高热,入院三天检查,MPO-ANCA( 抗髓过氧化物酶-抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体)290.0U/ml(正常3.5以下),嗜酸性粒细胞7700/ul(正常は40-400),诊断为嗜酸性肉芽肿性多血管炎。在坚持陶氏疗法的同时,并用激素加免疫抑制剂治疗。至12月,MPO-ANCA20.8U/ml、嗜酸性粒细胞38/ul,和其他血象恢复正常。2023年2月,停用免疫抑制剂,泼尼松龙在减量中,现在每天5mg。9月受孩子感冒影响,发热至38.5度,没有增加药物,体温恢复正常。现在能和孩子们一起玩耍,恢复正常生活。

December 2023: Eosinophilic Granulomatous Polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss Syndrome) 26)
Female, 47 years old. In February 2022, she was infected with the novel coronavirus and admitted to the hospital with the onset of asthma. Her asthma improved after five days of treatment with Pfizer's COVID-19 therapy drug PAXLOVID™. In July, she began experiencing feverish pain in her limbs and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia; she was given 60 mg of prednisolone, which was reduced to 20 mg at discharge. Her limb pain and paresthesia rekindled, confining her to a wheelchair for appointments. On September 4, she began Tao Method treatment at the Tao clinic. After the initial treatment, her limb pain was relieved, and she resumed walking independently; the next day, she participated in her son's sports day and ran together. Since then, the pain gradually subsided, sometimes disappearing completely. In early October, due to a cold with high fever, she was hospitalized for three days; tests showed MPO-ANCA at 290.0 U/ml (normal below 3.5) and eosinophils at 7,700/ul (normal 40-400), leading to a diagnosis of eosinophilic granulomatous polyangiitis. She continued Tao Method while being treated with steroids and immunosuppressants. By December, her MPO-ANCA was 20.8 U/ml, eosinophils 38/ul, and other blood tests had returned to normal. In February 2023, immunosuppressants were discontinued, and she was tapering off prednisolone, now at 5 mg per day. In September, affected by her child's cold, her fever rose to 38.5 degrees, but her temperature normalized without increasing medication. She can now play with her children and has returned to a normal life.




The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon concept of treating future diseases is a health guide for all members of society. With the concept of Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon, a healthy society can be created and its prospects are unlimited. Medical prevention and treatment come from the people, serve the people, benefit the people, and benefit the society. It is hoped that Tao Method, which is derived from the concept of Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon for the treatment of future illnesses, can shed some light on the medical problems and problems of the elderly in today's society.