

Multilingual (English/ Chinese)

Global Sharing on TCM Treatment of COVID—19 Epidemic of China



Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine


March 20th, 2020


(TCM treatment of COVID—19 epidemic, global sharing, informing the community, boundless beneficence)


Global sharing on TCM treatment of COVID—19 epidemic of China (Multilingual)


(All communities are welcome to forward, please indicate the original source)


(At present, COVID-19 is spreading in various countries around the world. The contribution of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the anti-epidemic process in China is to reduce the psychological stress and fear, speed up the rate of mild recovery, reduce the chance of mild to become a severe one, reduce the mortality rate of severe illness, and provide treatment at the rehabilitation stage. For sharing the TCM anti-epidemic experience from China in the diverse communities in Canada and other countries around the world, some of OCTCM teachers and students have voluntarily set up the “COVID-19 TCM Treatment Information Research Group”. They have collected relevant authoritative datas, with the help of multilingual volunteers participating in the translation, compiled the datas into the material of “Multilingual TCM anti-epidemic experience of China global sharing”. This article is divided into two parts: “The Traditional Chinese Medicine method health preservation

and prevention of exterior pathogens”and“COVID-19 Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Treatment Program (China)”. We are so grateful to the authors and units for the quotations in the appendix, and thankful to all the volunteers who have participated! Bin Jiang Wu Professor/ President of the Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine)

(编者按: 目前,新型冠状病毒肺炎在世界各国蔓延,中医药在中国抗疫过程中的贡献是减轻恐惧心理压力、加快轻症痊愈率、减少轻症转重症、减少重症病死率、及康复阶段的治疗。为加拿大多元社区及世界各国分享中国中医抗疫经验,OCTCM学院的部份师生志愿组成“新冠病毒肺炎中医治疗信息研究课题组”, 收集相关权威资料,编译成“多语种中国中医抗疫经验全球分享”的资料。并有多语种志工参加翻译。本文分“中医药对外感疫病的预防保健”和“新冠病毒肺炎中药针灸治疗方案(中国)”两部份。我们对附录引文中的作者和单位一併表示感谢,对参与的志愿者和多语种志工表示感谢!吴滨江 教授/加拿大安大略中医学院院长)

Table of Contents


A、“The Traditional Chinese Medicine method health preservation and prevention of exterior pathogens”


1、Self Head Massage 自我头部推拿

2、Acupoints Press by Self 穴位自我推拿

3、Moxibustion 灸法

4、QiGong-BaDuanJin 气功一八段锦

5、Diet 食疗

A、“The Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Treatment for syndrome presentations related to COVID-19 as experienced in China”


1、Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment (7th Edition)


2、Acupuncture Treatment


A、“The Traditional Chinese Medicine method for health preservation and prevention of exterior pathogens”


**First wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds


1.Applying Simple Massage Techniques to Your Head and Face 自我头部推拿

1.Self-Massage for the Eyes眼部的保健推拿

1)Kneading Zanzhu (UB 2)

Apply the pads of the thumbs on Zanzhu (UB 2) in the depressions at the medial ends of the eyebrows. Knead this area with the thumbs 10 times. The force of kneading should be increased gradually until a slight feeling of soreness and distention occurs.

1) 揉 按攢竹(UB2)


2)Kneading Jingming (UB 1)

Place the thumb and the index finger of the right hand on Jingming (UB 1) which is located in the depression, 0.1 cun above the inner canthus (inner corners of the eyes). Alternate between pressing downwards and pinching 10 times.

2) 揉按睛明 (BL1)


3)Pressing-Kneading Sibai (ST 2)

Place the index fingers on Sibai (ST 2) which is located 1 cun under the midpoint of the lower orbit (eye bone), and press-knead 10 times until you feel the sensation of slight soreness and distention.

3) 按揉四白 (ST2)


4)Scraping the Orbits

Bending the index fingers, apply their radial sides against internal aspects of the upper orbits (upper eye bone) and scrape from the inner canthus to the outer. Continue the scraping with the lower orbits in the same way, for 10 times.

4) 刮眼輪


5)“Ironing” the Eyes

Close yours eyes slightly. Rub yours hands against each other until they create heat, and then cover the eyes with your palms as if “ironing” the eyes for about 30 seconds. Follow this procedure by rubbing the eyes gently 10 or more times.

5) 熨眼


6)Kneading the Temple—Taiyang (EX-HN5)

Apply strong pressure on Taiyang (EX-HN 5), with the pads of the thumbs or index fingers. Follow by kneading for 10 times until you feel a sensation of slight soreness and distention.

6) 揉太阳 (EX-H5)


Function. These manipulations are effective for the prevention and treatment of myopia, blurred vision, glaucoma, optic atrophy, and other eye diseases.

《作 用》 上法可防治近视眼、视物不清、青光眼、神经萎缩等各种目疾。

2.Self-Massage for the Nose 鼻部的保健推拿

I) Pressing-Kneading Yingxiang (LI 20)

Rest the pads of the index fingers on Yingxiang (LI 20), then press and knead them 10 times or until you feel the sensation of soreness and distention.

1) 按揉迎香(LI20)


2) Rubbing the Nose (Sides)

Using the index or middle fingers of both hands, rub them against each other until you have created some heat. Then use these fingers to rub the nasolabial grooves (sides of the nostrils) up and down to warm them up. Repeat 10 times.

Function. These manipulations are effective for the prevention and treatment of colds, stuffy and running noses, allergic rhinitis, chronic rhinitis, and paranasal sinusitis.

2) 搓 擦 鼻 旁


《作 用》 上法对防治感冒、鼻塞流涕、过敏性鼻炎、慢性鼻炎、副鼻竇炎等病症有效。

3.Self-massage for the Ears 耳部的保健推拿

1) Pressing-Kneading Points Surrounding the Ear

With the tips of the thumbs or the middle fingers, press and knead Ermen (SJ 21), Tinggong (Sl 19), Tinghui (GB 2), and Yifeng (SJ 17) 10 times each or until you feel a sensation of soreness or distention.

1) 按 揉 耳 周 諸 穴


2) Rubbing the Helix of the Ear

Gently pinch the helices of the ear with the thumbs and the radial sides of the index fingers. Then rub upwards and downwards repeatedly 10 times or until the helices become hot.

2) 摩 擦 耳 轮


3)Ming Tiangu

Press both palms on the ears, the root of the palms pointing forwards and the fingers pointing backwards. Place the index fingers on top of the middle fingers and flick the protruded bones (occipital bone) behind the ears 10 times. This will produce a booming sound in the ears. Most of the vibratory stimulation that our ears receive comes through the external ear and inwardly. This manipulation creates the vibration in the inner ear, outwardly.

3) 鳴 天 鼓


Function. These manipulations are effective for the prevention and treatment of tinnitus, deafness, and other ear problems.

《作 用》 上法对防治耳鳴、重聽、耳聾、中耳炎等病症有效。

4.Self-massage for the Head 头部的保健推拿

1)Forehead Pushing (Both sides of the head)

Bend the two index fingers and using the radial sides push along the midline of the forehead, which runs from Yintang (EX-HN 3) (also known as Third Eye) to the anterior hairline. Press outwards the left and right sides of the head until you reach Taiyang (EX-HN 5) (also referred to as the temples), Sizhukong (SJ 23), and Touwei (ST 8). Repeat this sequence 10 times.

1) 分 推 前 額 ( 前 头 部 )


2)Wiping the Temples

Press the temples with the whorled surfaces/pads of the thumbs and proceed to wipe forcefully backwards. Repeat 10 times. This manipulation should produce a slight sensation of soreness and distention.

2) 推 抹 太 阳 (EX-H5)( 側 头 部 )


3)Pressing-Kneading Skull (Back of the Head)

Place the whorled surfaces/ pads or tips of the thumbs firmly on Fengchi (GB 20) (the depressions below the occipital bone) and press them 10 or more times. Follow this manipulation with circular kneading. Continue by kneading the points of Naokong (GB 19) 10 times or until there is a sensation of slight soreness and distention.

3) 揉 按 脑 后 ( 后 头 部 )


4)Pressing-Kneading Baihui (GV (Du) 20) and Sishencong (EX-HN 1)

Place the tips of the middle fingers on Baihui (GV (Du)) and press/knead 8-10 times. Do the same for Sishencong (EX-HN 1), the points beside, above and below Baihui (GV (Du) 20), 2-4 times.

4) 揉 按 百 会 (DU20)及 四 神 聪(EX-N1)( 头 顶 部 )


5)“Bathing the Face”

Rub the hands against each until they become warm. Place the palms lightly against the forehead, then rub firmly down to the mandibles (jawbone), along the mandible margins on the sides of the face towards Jiache (ST 6), and then upwards via the pre-auricular area (in front of the ears) toward the temples and end at the midpoint of the forehead. Repeat the sequence 6-8 times or until the face feels warm.

5) 搓 手 浴 面


Function. These manipulations invigorate the brain, improve intelligence, and tranquilize the mind. They are effective in the treatment of headaches, dizziness, insomnia, amnesia, neurosis, and facial paralysis.

《作 用》 上法有健脑、益智、安神之功,对防治头痛、头暈、失眠、健忘、神经衰弱、面瘫等病症有效。

2. Tuina(Acupoints Press) by Self穴位自我推拿

Tuina(Acupressure) is a sort of manipulation that stimulates acupoints to achieve the purpose of dredging the meridians, regulating yin and yang and strengthening the body’s immunity. The manipulation can be divided into two steps, which are selecting acupoints and pressing acupoints. As for the current epidemic situation, we recommend the four acupoints: Da Zhui (DU14), Feng Chi (GB20), Zhong Fu (LU1) and Zu San Li (ST36). Let’s find these acupuncture points together!

推拿(穴位按压)是通过手法刺激穴位,达到疏通经络,调和阴阳,增强人体免疫力的作用。操作时可分为两种步骤,一是选定穴位,二是对穴位进行按压操作。针对疫情,我们推荐以下四个穴位, 分别是大椎,风池,中府和足三里。接下来我们一起找一找这些穴位吧!

Da Zhui (DU14) is located at the posterior mid-line of the neck and in the depression of the seventh cervical spinous process. The acupoint can be found while taking seated position with head drop; the most prominent vertebrae that can be touched on the neck is the seventh cervical vertebrae, and the depression under the seventh cervical vertebrae is DU14 acupoint. DU14 is an acupoint of the governor vessel which can invigorate yang and enhance the body’s ability to resist the pathogenic qi.


Feng Chi (GB20) is located below the occipital bone and in the depression between the upper end of the trapezius muscle and sternocleidomastoid muscle. The acupoint can be taken while sitting straightening your elbow and raising your hand, when the elbows are at the same height as shoulders, bend your elbows towards your head with fingers open naturally, palms of both hands cover the ears, fingers hold the head to push the thumbs up, the depression under the thumbs are GB20. GB20, an important acupoint for treating exogenous diseases such as headache and fever, can dispel pathogenic wind and expel pathogen.


Zhong Fu (LU1) is located on the upper lateral chest, 6 cun lateral to the anterior midline and at the same level with the first intercostal space. When taking the acupoint, please place your hands on your waist with elbows slightly forward and chest slightly backward, then find the triangular depression at the lower edge of the lateral end of the clavicle bone, pushes your finger vertically downward for about 1 cm, where the LU1 acupoint is. LU1 is an acupoint of lung meridian,indicated for respiratory diseases such as cough, asthma and chest pain.


Zu San Li (ST36) is located on the outside of the calf, 3 cun below Du Bi (ST35), and a horizontal finger (middle finger) length next to anterior tibia. When taking the acupoint, please take a seated position, straighten your calf, and find the upper outer edge of the kneecap, place part of the hand (between the thumb and index finger) surround the upper outer edge of the kneecap with four fingers pointing straight down, and the middle fingertip is the ST36 acupoints. ST36 is an important acupoint for health preserving, and it also has significance effect on replenishing the spleen and stomach.


After finding all the acupoints, we can use our finger pulp to press on the selected acupoints and then knead 3 times in clockwise direction, this method is called as ‘one press three knead’, repeat this method for 50-100 times. It is necessary to reach a degree of soreness and slight warm sensation on the local area for each time. Pressing the acupoint starts from DU14, following by both sides of GB20, LU1 and ST36, these points can be pressed once in morning and evening respectively. It maybe inconvenient for the elder people to press DU14,, you may ask family members for help or use another simple method to stimulate DU14 acupoint. Open your hands with palms slightly protruded, rub your palm quickly until you feel the palms are hot, then quickly place your palms on the DU14 point, so that the heat can penetrate through DU14. After that, use the palm of your hand to rub on DU14 points back and forth, repeat this method for 3-5 minutes.

找准穴位后就可以开始按压操作了,我们可以在刚才选定的穴位上用指腹用力按压穴位一下,然后以顺时针方向揉按三下,称为一按三揉,一按三揉为一次,每次操作50-100次,每次操作以穴位局部酸胀感或发热感为度。穴位按压从大椎穴开始,依次为双侧的风池穴,中府穴,足三里穴,每日早晚可以各按一次。对于老年人而言,按压大椎穴的操作可能不太方便,可以请家人帮忙操作 。同时我们也可以利用另外一种简单的方法来刺激大椎穴,张开双手,掌心微微外突,两手掌心相对,快速摩擦,感受到掌心温热后继续摩擦,直到感觉掌心发烫之后,迅速将手掌置于大椎穴上,使热度能够渗透到大椎穴,然后用手掌在大椎穴局部做快速的左右来回摩擦,重复操作3-5分钟。

When performing acupressure, there are following precautions:

1.When performing acupressure, keep our whole body muscles relaxed and breathe evenly.

2.The order of the acupoints can be from up to down, left to right.

3.Apply the lasting force evenly, gently, and avoid pressing too hard.

4.Acupressure is not allowed on damaged skin.


1 )在进行穴位按压疗法时,要保持全身肌肉放松,呼吸均匀。




3. Moxibustion灸法

Moxibustion can significantly improve the body's immunity, and it has the function of antivirus, relieving cough and asthma, and relaxing emotion. The smoke produced by the burning of moxa sticks can dispel filth with aroma. It can be used for air sterilization. When using at home, we can choose warm moxibustion box or portable moxibustion according to the circumstance. According to the length of the three-hole moxibustion box, we take navel (Shen Que acupoint, CV8) as the center, and the rectangular area of about 9 cm above and below and about 4 cm left and right is used as the moxibustion site.


Shen Que acupoint (CV8), Qi Hai acupoint (CV6) and Guan Yuan acupoint (CV4) in this area are important health care acupoints, and they have the function of strengthening human immunity and resisting diseases and pathogen. Zhong Wan acupoint (CV12) and Tian Shu acupoint (ST25) can substantially regulate gastrointestinal function. The instruments prepared for moxibustion includes: three-hole moxibustion box, moxa sticks, lighters, knives, tweezers and small water utensils. Take a moxa stick and divide it evenly into three sections with a knife, light one end, respectively inserted into the holes above the moxibustion box.


You can supine on the bed, or on the sofa, and place the second hole of the rectangular three-hole moxibustion box directly to the navel (CV8). The long side of the moxibustion box is parallel to the longitudinal axis of the body, covering CV12, CV8, CV6 and CV4. The short side of the moxibustion box is parallel to the horizontal axis of the body, covering ST25. Moxibustion duration should be about 20 to 30 minutes at a time. Each section of moxibustion stick should be burnt at least 1/2 of the length, or until the moxibustion stick burns out. This can be adjusted according to your time or your tolerance towards warmth.


If you feel the moxibustion smoke is too heavy accept, you can divide the moxa stick into 5 segments, lit the end respectively, and put into the portable moxibustion box, then put the boxes in the matching bag to receive portable moxibustion. You can stand, tie the matching bag on the waist, putting the center moxibustion box right to the middle of the belly button, so that moxibustion area can cover the acupoints we just mentioned: CV 12, CV 8, RN 6, CV 4, ST 25. It takes about 20 to 30 minutes to accomplish moxibustion. Please pay attention to the following points when applying moxibustion.


1)Warm moxibustion box moxibustion is suitable for those who can tolerate heavy moxibustion smoke, and those who can't receive moxibustion box moxibustion can choose portable moxibustion.

2)In the process of moxibustion, please close the doors and windows or cover the doors and windows slightly to ensure the efficacy of moxibustion smoke on indoor air disinfection.

3)When the local temperature of moxibustion decreases, place the moxibustion box on the ground at first, then take out the moxa stick, gently flick the end of moxa stick, so that moxa ash falls into the water container such as ceramic bowl, then insert moxa stick, and press down 0.5cm-1cm to adjust the local moxibustion temperature.

4)The aged, infirm and diabetic patients should be alert to the low temperature scald.

5)Drinking 100-150ml warm boiled water after moxibustion can relieve the dry mouth and nose after moxibustion.

6)After moxibustion, it must be placed in a ceramic bowl filled with water to extinguish.







4. Qi Gong--- Ba Duan Jin 气功:八段锦

Benefit of Ba Duan Jin (eight Brocade):

Nourish Yin and fortify Yang, consolidate basis and Tonify Qi, clear blockage in meridian and activates blood and nourishes body fluids. Long term practices could strengthen body, enhances hearing and eyesight, prolong life. In modern term, it will exercises the whole body’s joints and muscles, regulates emotion and relieves stress and anxiety, improves metabolism, enhances cardiac function and blood circulation, so that the whole being will be enhanced in every way.



1)Two Hands Hold up the Heavens (Shuang Shou Tuo Tian)

This move is said to stimulate the “Triple Burner”, it consists of an upward movement of the hands, which are loosely joined and travel up the center of the body.


2)Drawing the Bow to Shoot the Eagle / Hawk / Vulture

While in a lower horse stance, the practitioner imitates the action of drawing a bow to either side. It is said to exercise the waist area, focusing on the kidneys and spleen.


3)Separate Heaven and Earth

This resembles a version of the first piece with the hands pressing in opposite directions, one up and one down. A smooth motion in which the hands switch positions is the main action, and it is said to especially stimulate the stomach.


4. Wise Owl Gazes Backwards or Look Back

This is a stretch of the neck to the left and the right in an alternating fashion.


5)Sway the Head and Shake the Tail

This is said to regulate the function of the heart and lungs. Its primary aim is to remove excess heat (or fire) from the heart. In performing this piece, the practitioner squats in a low horse stance, places the hands on thighs with the elbows facing out and twists to glance backwards on each side.


6)Two Hands Hold the Feet to Strengthen the Kidneys and Waist

This involves a stretch upwards followed by a forward bend and a holding of the toes.


7)Clench the Fists and Glare Fiercely (or Angrily)

This resembles the second piece, and is largely a punching movement either to the sides or forward while in horse stance. This, which is the most external of the pieces, is aimed at increasing general vitality and muscular strength.


8)Bouncing on the Toes

This is a push upward from the toes with a small rocking motion on landing. The gentle shaking vibrations of this piece is said to “smooth out”the qi after practice of the preceding seven pieces or, in some systems, this is more specifically to follow Sway the Head and Shake the Tail.


5 .Diets 食疗

1)Keep a Healthy Balanced Diet


Cook food thoroughly and take in balanced nutrition. Eat high-protein food everyday such as eggs, milk, meat, soybeans, etc. Eating proper fresh vegetables and fruits and drinking plenty of water are also recommend. Some medicinal and edible plants are also advocated, such as radish, asparagus, yam, dandelion, coix seed, yellow soybean roll, lotus seed, wax gourd kernel, etc. And do not eat wild animals.

饮食煮熟煮透,营养搭配均衡,每天摄入高蛋白食物,如蛋、奶、肉、大豆等,不食野生动物。适当新鲜蔬菜和水果,多饮水。可食用一些药食同源的食物,如萝卜、芦笋、山药、蒲公英、薏苡仁、大豆黄卷 、莲子、冬瓜仁等。

2)Prescription for Prevention


Formula: saposhnikovia root15g, astragalus root20g, wild buckwheat15g, weeping forsythia capsule5g, scutellaria root15g, agastache15g, licorice root 6g.

Decoction and usage: soak the herbs in water for 10 minutes, and after the water is boiled, simmer it for 30 minutes. Concentrate it into 600ml and drink one dose for two days. It is also good to drink traditional Chinese medicine as tea.


