

博客分类 论文


October 2011: Chronic Urticaria, Postoperative Prostate Cancer, Stiff Shoulders, Low Back Pain, Hyperlipidemia8)
Male, 74 years old. Suffered from chronic urticaria since 2006, had prostate cancer surgery, stiff shoulders, low back pain, and hyperlipidemia. He started Tao Method in January 2011 and was completely cured within six months. His height was 165cm, and his weight reduced from 72.3kg to 58.5kg. His stiff shoulders and low back pain resolved, hyperlipidemia improved, and blood tests, PSA, and triglycerides normalized.

2012.10.便秘、白内障、过敏性鼻炎、前列腺肥大、结肠憩室、全身疲劳、行走困难 9)

October 2012: Constipation, Cataract, Allergic Rhinitis, Enlarged Prostate, Colonic Diverticulum, Generalized Fatigue, Difficulty in Walking 9)
Male, 81 years old. He began Tao Method in July 2011 because he could only walk a maximum of 100 meters. On the second day after treatment, he had a normal bowel movement. After several treatments, his walking distance increased, and after two months, he could walk easily for 1 hour. His rhinitis symptoms disappeared, his hair gradually turned black, and he returned to normal health.


女性、75岁。六年前,体检查发现糖尿病拒绝服药治疗。2012年5月30日,发声障碍、左侧偏瘫急诊诊断急性脑梗塞(右侧基底节),糖尿病住院。在溶栓和高压氧治疗期间,出现弥散性血管内凝血(DIC)合并血小板减少的药物治疗副作用,导致高热急性肾功能衰竭和多器官功能衰竭,紧急停止治疗并给予利尿剂。病情稳定后改用胰岛素治疗糖尿病,至出院血糖仍未恢复正常。入院时 BS263,HbA1c 9.2,出院时 BS160,HbA1c 6.8。出院后开始陶氏疗法,三个月后BS96和HbA1c5.4恢复正常。一年后BS83和HbA1c 6.0,保持正常。无后遗症,日常生活正常,至今健康(86岁)。

October 2013: Diabetes Mellitus Complicating Acute Cerebral Infarction, Hemiplegia, Dyslipidemia, Liver Dysfunction10)
Female, 75 years old. Six years ago, a physical examination revealed diabetes mellitus, but she refused medication. On May 30, 2012, she had dysphonia and left hemiplegia and was emergently diagnosed with acute cerebral infarction (right basal ganglia), leading to hospitalization for diabetes. During thrombolysis and hyperbaric oxygen therapy, she developed diffuse intravascular coagulation (DIC) and thrombocytopenia as drug therapy side effects, leading to hyperthermia, acute renal failure, and multi-organ failure. Emergency treatment was halted and diuretics administered. After stabilization, she was switched to insulin for diabetes, and her blood glucose had not returned to normal by the time she was discharged. On admission, her blood sugar (BS) was 263 and HbA1c 9.2; at discharge, BS160 and HbA1c 6.8. After discharge, she started Tao Method, and after three months, BS96 and HbA1c 5.4 returned to normal. One year later, BS83 and HbA1c 6.0 remained normal. She experienced no sequelae, lived a normal daily life, and was healthy as of 86 years old.

2014.10.肥胖、高血压、头痛 11)


October 2014: Obesity, Hypertension, Headache11)
Male, 23 years old, height 172 cm. Developed a headache and hypertension due to obesity on February 7, 2014. No brain abnormalities were detected in a CT scan at the hospital, and painkillers were ineffective. He started Tao Method. Within the first week, he lost 4 kg, and after three weeks, he lost 8.3 kg. The headache disappeared, and blood pressure decreased from 148/85 mmHg to 108/65 mmHg. Over three months, he lost 29.8 kg (from 98.5 to 68.7 kg), visceral fat reduced from 14 to 7 (normal), and body fat percentage decreased from 34.7% to 20.2% (normal). He restored a healthy daily life.


男性、86岁。身高165cm。50岁起诊断糖尿病、高血压、心脏病、痛风以及因肥胖导致的肾功能下降,每天服用26种不同的药物。2013年1月,不愿意肾透,并于2013年5月10日开始陶氏疗法。第一周减重4kg,两个月减8.5kg,不再服用所有药物。一年减重18kg,15个月减重20.4kg(92.3→71.9),血糖和HBa1c正常,血压从210/89 mmHg降至136/70 mmHg,内脏脂肪23降至16水平。体脂率(%)从31.8降至11.8,外出不用轮椅,恢复健康生活方式。

October 2014: Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Disease, Gout, Low Kidney Function12)
Male, 86 years old, height 165 cm. Diagnosed with diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, gout, and decreased kidney function due to obesity since the age of 50, he was taking 26 different medications daily. In January 2013,reluctant to undergo kidney dialysis, he started Tao Method on May 10, 2013. He lost 4 kg in the first week, 8.5 kg in two months, and stopped all medications. Over one year, he lost 18 kg, and in 15 months, he lost 20.4 kg (from 92.3 to 71.9 kg). His blood glucose and HbA1c normalized, blood pressure decreased from 210/89 mmHg to 136/70 mmHg, and visceral fat levels reduced from 23 to 16. His body fat percentage decreased from 31.8% to 11.8%, and he no longer needed a wheelchair for outings, returning to a healthy lifestyle.



October 2015: Breast Cancer13)
Female, 23 years old. Seven years ago, she was diagnosed with left-sided mastopathy. In December 2014, she experienced left-sided chest pain, and cytology diagnosed breast cancer (8.0 cm). She refused surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy and started Tao Method in April 2015. In four and a half months, the tumor shrank to 3.5 cm, visceral fat reduced from 5 to 3, body fat percentage decreased from 30.4% to 23.0%, biological age in the body reduced from 39 to 23 years, muscle mass changed from 38.7 kg to 38.3 kg, and weight decreased from 59.1 kg to 52.9 kg. She regained a healthy lifestyle and was able to play tennis every day. (Alive and well to this day.)